Saturday 15 October 2011

Color Model HSV and CMY

Color Model HSV

HSV (Hue, Saturation and Value) – defines a type of color space. It is similar to the modern RGB and CMYK models. The HSV color space has three components: hue, saturation and value. ‘Value’ is sometimes substituted with ‘brightness’ and then it is known as HSB. The HSV model was created by Alvy Ray Smith in 1978. HSV is also known as the hex-cone color model.

In HSV, hue represents color. In this model, hue is an angle from 0 degrees to 360 degrees.
In which 0-60 degree for Red color, 60-120 degree for yellow color, 120-180 degree green color, 180-240 for cyan, 240-300 for blue and 300-360 for magenta with their angles and colors respectively.

Color Model CMY

Cyan, magenta, and yellow correspond roughly to the primary colors in art production: red, blue, and yellow. In the illustration below, you can see the CMY counterpart to the RGB model.
Just as the primary colors of CMY are the secondary colors of RGB, the primary colors of RGB are the secondary colors of CMY. But as the illustrations show, the colors created by the subtractive model of CMY don't look exactly like the colors created in the additive model of RGB. Particularly, CMY cannot reproduce the brightness of RGB colors. In addition, the CMY gamut is much smaller than the RGB gamut.
The CMY model used in printing lays down overlapping layers of varying percentages of transparent cyan, magenta, and yellow inks. Light is transmitted through the inks and reflects off the surface below them (called the substrate). The percentages of CMY ink (which are applied as screens of halftone dots), subtract inverse percentages of RGB from the reflected light so that we see a particular color.
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